Walking You Through an Energetic Cord Cutting Meditation

Person relaxing on the beach seated with arms up after a cord cutting meditation

What is an Energetic Cord Cutting Meditation?

Energetic cord cutting meditations may be a practice that you are familiar with if you’ve been on the spiritual path for some time now. Whether you are seasoned or completely new to meditations in general you are going to love this once you try it!

Through this cord cutting meditation, you will work with the intention of becoming aware of your energetic field all while bringing it in, clearing, repairing and working on healing anything that no longer serves you. 

When working with others here in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm you can form an energetic bond or attachment during a session. It’s also present in our day to day lives with our family, friends, lovers, ex partners and even people you meet for a moment. People send us energetic cords all the time and we may not even realize it.

You are NOT cutting people out of your life by completing this cord cutting meditation, but you are being mindful of your energetic field and cutting ties with anything that is not in alignment with your highest good. You are able to clear any cords that transmit negative energy and transmute it. 

You will be guided to set the intention for your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones to bring guidance and love to you while also shielding you from any lower vibrational energy or thoughts, while working with Spirit. 

It is so important to feel not only grounded, clear and vibrating high energetically, but also to feel supported when working with Spirit, and all of this can be accomplished through visualization, and intention in this cord cutting meditation. 

Hope by a window in a jean jacket after a cord cutting meditation

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