Performing Your Own Intuitive Card Reading

Light is the new dark intuitive tarot card deck with crystals and merkaba for an intuitive card reading

Why Intuitive Card Readings?

When life’s challenges arise, spiritual guidance from an Intuitive Card Reading can provide clarity, peace, and shifts in perspectives. When integrating soul centered guidance, it activates healing from within and elevates your vibration while weathering the storm.

Steps for Doing an Intuitive Card Reading 

1. Clear your deck

Cleansing your cards before or after every use will make certain there is no residual energy from previous readings. There are several methods you can use to cleanse or clear your deck. You can charge the cards with the power of the sun or moon. Crystals like Selenite, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, Blue Calcite, Quartz, or any other cleansing or healing stone can be used to purify your deck. Incense and herbs like Palo Santo and White Sage can be used to smudge your cards. 

2. Set your intention 

With any kind of spiritual work, the intention we create sets the tone for the experience. Whether you are doing a reading for yourself or another person, think about what topic or questions you would like to receive guidance on from the reading. Once you are grounded and centered, you can state your intention prayer. 

3. Shuffle your cards 

There are so many techniques for shuffling your deck. There is really no “wrong” way, just go with whatever method feels best to you. Some common shuffling techniques include: the classic, spreading and regrouping, pile-style and a handheld shuffle. While shuffling, you can contemplate and connect with your cards and use the moment to officially begin the reading. 

4. Pull cards 

Likewise, there are many different spreads that you can use for readings. My favorites are the daily guidance reading with a one card pull and the past, present, future reading with pulling 3 cards. Connect with the card/s and turn inward to your intuition to interpret the message. We all have different ways of receiving so you must pay attention to how you receive things on your own.

Oracle cards face down in a circle from an intuitive card reading

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