White Light Meditation for Working with Spirit

Hope Taylor medium in a white light meditation next to the window with light white curtains

What is a White Light Meditation?

There are many forms of meditation, meditation fosters mindfulness, and inner peace, and when paired with a specific intention, can be a powerful tool to heal, raise your vibration, clear, ground and shield your energy.

When working with Spirit, whether you are in service, reading for others, or connecting with your own team for guidance, it’s important to raise your vibration, clear your energy and set an intention before you open your awareness and create your connection. 

Through this mediation, you will be guided to focus on your breath and heart space, while visualizing your energetic field expanding outward, and white Divine light showering you, allowing your vibration to rise and your inner power or energy to build, preparing you to work with Spirit.

You will be guided to set the intention for your Guides, Angels and Loved Ones to bring guidance and love to you while also shielding you from any lower vibrational energy or thoughts, while working with Spirit. 

It is so important to feel not only grounded, clear and vibrating high energetically, but also to feel supported when working with Spirit, and all of this can be accomplished through visualization, and intention in this meditation. 

Hope beaming in a red shirt after a white light meditation.

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