Astrology and More with the Talented Brandy Burrow

Headshot of Brandy Burrow, reader of astrology, with bookshelf

What Even is Astrology?

Planets, houses, signs, transits… what does it all mean?!

An astrology natal or birth chart is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun at the exact time you were born. A natal chart reading helps you understand how you operate and gives you some understanding about yourself by revealing your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities for soul growth and the best timing for your most important moves in life. In other words, your astrology chart holds the key to your personality and path.

Although interpreting an astrology chart is not very easy for everyone, understanding yours can help with many aspects of your life and personal growth/healing. There are plenty of online natal chart websites that can generate this information for you. However, when it comes down to reading through your chart and making sense of what it all means, that's where it gets a little intense.

Fortunately, there are dedicated souls out there that specialize in reading astrology charts in depth. If you are interested in finding out more about yourself and your path in life with the vast knowledge that your birth chart holds for you, I would suggest seeking the assistance of a professional astrology reader. My go to astrology person is Brandy Burrow.

You can check her out at here or on Facebook here.

A picture of a celestial sky full of stars, the inspiration of astrology

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