Let Go of Rituals in Mediumship and Trust Yourself

Hope demontrating common rituals in mediumship using a crystal grid

If you’re new to the practice of mediumship, you might feel a sense of awe and wonder mixed with a touch of uncertainty as you navigate the world of communicating with Spirit. It’s not uncommon for beginners to rely on rituals in mediumship, such as lighting candles, burning incense, or holding crystals, to create a sacred space before beginning a reading. These practices can provide a sense of comfort and safety, anchoring you in your connection to Spirit.

However, as you grow in your mediumship journey, you might find that you no longer need these external tools. Let’s explore how you can transition from relying on rituals in mediumship to trusting yourself and your own pure intentions when doing a reading.

The Appeal of Rituals in Mediumship

Rituals in mediumship can often serve as a form of preparation for a reading. They can help set the tone and create an environment conducive to connecting with spirit. Rituals may include:

  • Lighting candles or incense: To cleanse the space and bring a sense of calm.

  • Holding crystals: As a tool for grounding and focus.

  • Meditation or prayer: To center yourself and clear your mind.

We've all seen the movies: the flickering candles, the hushed voices, the carefully arranged crystals. It's no wonder new mediums often feel like they need an elaborate set-up before connecting with Spirit. But what if I told you strong mediumship doesn't require a props table?

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with creating a sacred space for readings. If crystals and calming music help you center yourself, go for it! But for many mediums, the truth is, these rituals can become a crutch. We start to believe the connection hinges on external elements, rather than our own inner strength.

Here's the beautiful secret: all you truly need for mediumship is your pure intention and permission. That's it. You are a bridge, a conduit for messages from the other side. The more you trust your own intuition and ability, the clearer that connection becomes.

Letting go of the elaborate set-up can be freeing. Imagine being able to do a reading anywhere, anytime – at a coffee shop, on a park bench, even in the grocery line (with your client's permission, of course!). It allows for a more natural flow of communication and a deeper connection with Spirit.

While these rituals can be beneficial, especially when you’re just starting out, it’s important to remember that they are not the key to successful mediumship. The true power lies in your own abilities, intentions, and connection to Spirit.

Trusting Yourself and Letting Go of Rituals in Mediumship

As you gain experience, you may find that you no longer need to rely on external rituals. Instead, you can trust in your own capabilities and intuition. Here’s how to make the transition:

So, if you're a new medium clinging to crystals and candles, take a deep breath and let go. Here are some tips to help you transition:

  1. Set Your Intentions: Begin each reading with clear intentions. Let spirit know what you’re open to receiving and trust that you will be guided. Ask for clear communication and protection.

  2. Meditate regularly. This strengthens your connection to Spirit and your own inner guidance.

  3. Practice Grounding: Find ways to ground yourself that don’t rely on external tools. Deep breathing, visualization, or a simple moment of stillness can help you center yourself. Being grounded allows you to hold space for Spirit's energy without getting overwhelmed.

  4. Believe in Your Connection: Trust that your connection with Spirit is strong. Allow yourself to be open and receptive without needing to control the environment around you.

  5. Embrace Flexibility: Allow yourself the freedom to skip the rituals if you don’t feel the need for them. Focus on being present in the moment and trust that Spirit will guide you.

  6. Reflect on Your Experiences: Take time to reflect on your readings and experiences. Notice the moments when you felt most connected and see if you can replicate those feelings without relying on rituals.

  7. Trust your gut. If you feel a nudge to ask a specific question, follow it!

Ultimately, the most important aspect of a mediumship reading is your pure intentions and permission to connect with Spirit. When you approach each reading with an open heart and clear mind, you create a powerful channel for communication.

Letting go of rituals in mediumship doesn’t mean abandoning your respect for the spiritual practice—it’s about trusting yourself and your connection to Spirit. As you grow in your mediumship journey, you’ll discover that your pure intentions and willingness to connect are all you truly need.

Remember, mediumship is a journey of self-discovery. The more you trust yourself, the stronger your connection to the unseen world becomes. So ditch the props table, embrace your intuition, and watch your mediumship soar.

Hope holding a small plate that reads, "she believed she could so she did" to remind us we don't need rituals in mediumship

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