Mediumship Misconceptions: What to Expect from Your Reading

Hope on the floor in a black dress with prayer hands contemplating mediumship misconceptions

Mediumship Misconceptions: How I Work as a Medium

I get a lot of questions about how a mediumship reading works and what can be expected. Many people think you must be in person to connect with someone’s loved ones. This is simply not true. I can connect for a private reading session or group event reading in person, but I also offer private readings remotely through Zoom.

People may come to psychic mediums for many reasons including enlightenment, guidance, and to assist them when coping with the loss of a loved one.

As a medium, I love to provide you with evidence that your loved ones are always with you. It is truly an honor to be the bridge between you and your loved ones and to answer any questions you may have for them or pass along any healing messages that you may need during this time.

I set an intention with Spirit for each reading and event that what comes through is serving the purpose of providing the sitter with what is needed for their highest good.

I am all about working with the intention of healing! People new to mediumship can be so afraid that I'm going to give them bad news that they can't even be open to the connections that come through and how their loved ones in spirit are speaking to them. This can prevent further messages from being relayed so it’s important to come to your reading with an open mind and heart.

Mediumship Misconceptions: If Something Isn’t Exact, It’s Garbage

I see many people with mediumship misconceptions related to what comes through in their reading. It is important to come to a reading with an open mind. Some sitters come to a reading with a specific expectation in mind and this can result in them not receiving what comes through from their loved one. You can set an intention for your reading with Spirit, but it is important to be open to your loved ones appearing in different ways and bringing forth different evidence. For example, even though your mother was older when she passed, she may present herself to me as what she looked like in her prime.

An example of someone that came to a mediumship reading with a closed mind was a woman whose brother had passed many years previously. I described his appearance, what music he liked, and a memory of them at a table playing cards that she recognized. She came to the reading with an expectation in her mind that if I were to connect with her brother, I would talk about a specific activity they shared. Spirit uses my own references to bring through evidence to validate your loved ones and share loving messages. This means specific expectations may not come through and despite all the other evidence that her brother was with us, she didn’t think it was him because he never mentioned this specific activity they did together.

I’m not telling you to say yes to something that is a no, but I’m telling you to come into a reading with no expectations of who will come through or how they will present to me. The faster I can validate that your loved one is here with you, the more time I can spend sharing their messages of love and memories with you. And the more “must haves” on your list, the less true evidence you will be able to accept.

Another thing to note is that the spirit communicators that come through for their loved ones are as varied as you and me. They, like mediums, communicate in different ways. Some spirit communicators share pictures and some mediums are clairvoyant and see spirit in pictures, some communicate using sounds and some mediums are clairaudient and can hear sounds from spirit. And each person in spirit has different strengths and preferences just like each medium and just like each individual person here on the physical plane. So if you put expectations on what you want to come through and how, it can limit the reading due to reasons we don’t even consider.

As a medium, I can feel when my sitters come in closed off. I connect and give the evidence I receive, but when the sitter’s aren’t even willing to consider it, It is like somebody slamming the door shut to the other side. You can think of it a bit like improv, saying no when spit balling creativity can bring the vision to a halt so the rule of improv is always say, “yes and?” Having an open mind and thinking maybe to anything that isn’t a no allows for the next bit of information to come through. When a sitter says no because what they are being given doesn’t match an expectation they created before arriving, it brings the whole process to a halt. As I give to you what Spirit gives me, I then get the next message. When a sitter comes from a state of complete inflexibility and expectations of certain things, it really limits them from experiencing the reading they could have.

Mediumship Misconceptions: Get the Most Out of Your Reading

Knowing common mediumship misconceptions can help you to get more out of your reading. My goal is to assist you in getting the absolute most out of our time together by creating a brief list of things to consider before your appointment. Just like I set an intention for our time together, you can create an intention of what you would like to cover during your reading. This would include any loved ones and family members that you would like to hear from or any areas of life that you would like to investigate. Although there are no guarantees with Spirit, more than likely, if you create your intention, you will get exactly what you need to hear and then some. An intention is different than an expectation, an intention is a choice you set for yourself, and an expectation is a demand upon others.

Additionally, sometimes people may need to get in touch with their higher selves rather than past loved ones and examine what they need to address to uncover the next step that could lead to happiness and inner peace. This could be around career, friendships, family, love and optimum health. Perhaps you are feeling stuck on your path or like something is missing. A reading could assist you in identifying those blocks and give you the steps needed to find your authentic self.

Hope giving readings at a group event dispelling mediumship misconceptions

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