How to Start Your Own Spiritual Business

Oracle cards often used in a spiritual business

Starting a Spiritual Business

Do you feel called to step up your game and turn your hobby into something you could offer as a product or service to the outside world through your own spiritual business? And like many of us who once started, you probably don’t know where to start.

There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to building a mediumship or other type of spiritual business. Things can get easily overwhelming – talk about building a website, how to handle your taxes, what services to offer, how to price them, not to mention the legal side of things. 

When I started this mediumship business, it was only because I felt I needed to do it as part of the promise I made my uncle when he was passing – to live with my heart wide open and to give this gift of connection so people can bridge the gap and feel the love from the other side. That way, they know they're not walking this earth without them because the spiritual world is right here. 

And so, I have poured my 20 plus years of business background into this mediumship world and it has turned into this six-figure business which I’ve been running for almost six years now. There's a reason why this foundation has worked for me and has worked for others. And I also know there's a divine reason why I was even called to bring this to you.

You probably don't need all of the bells and whistles because you're not there yet. And so, even if you’re still at a "hobby level" right now but you can see yourself pivoting into a spiritual business in the future, or maybe you’re now at the point where you’re ready to take yourself to the next level, then be sure to listen to this episode!

Journal planner for spiritual business planning

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