Trusting Your Intuition During a Spiritual Awakening

Hope walking down a forest path in these fabulous and flowy teal pants like she is guiding you through your spiritual awakening

If you have been feeling stuck in a holding pattern and are seeking new perspectives and connecting to your internal guidance system, you are most likely having a spiritual awakening!

Essentially, regardless of the place you are in the following ideas, actions, thoughts, etc. can be used as tools to clear the clutter in your head, start to trust your intuition a bit more and to align with the things in life that bring you more joy, peace, and security.

Life happens and the way our childhood unfolds teaches us a lot. It's not necessarily a bad thing when we base our beliefs on patterns and cycles of what we experience, but what happens when we do that is that we are also creating our future from that place as well. A spiritual awakening is a chance to change the cycle.

Spiritual Awakening: What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are made from "pure energy" and that like energy can attract like energy, thereby allowing people to improve their health, wealth, or personal relationships.

The Law of Attraction is not a new concept. It has been around for centuries and has been taught by many different spiritual and philosophical leaders. However, it gained widespread popularity in 2006 with the publication of Rhonda Byrne's book, The Secret.

In The Secret, Byrne argues that the Law of Attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. She claims that by focusing on our positive thoughts and desires, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. She also claims that by focusing on our negative thoughts and fears, we can attract negative experiences into our lives. Using this idea you can literally flip the script of your experience and create your future to be what you want. A spiritual awakening is the perfect time to do so.

Spiritual Awakening: How do you flip from what always has been to a place of creating your future?

·      Take this part day by day.

·       Slowwww down so you can be completely aware of the place you are creating your life from.

·      Look at everything you are grateful for today.

·      Write out a list or keep a note in your phone. You can add to it each day and expand on things as you go.

·      Putting your focus and thoughts in that high vibration and gratitude for what you have will put energy into the things you want and not into the things you don’t want.

·      If you are not a praying type, that's totally fine. Thank whomever and what you want for all that you have right this moment.

·      At some point you’re going to have to take an inventory on your stress. What is real stress and what is perceived stress. Where can you insert a boundary with others, remove yourself completely or refocus on what you want and flip the script from what is happening that triggers you and pulls you away from the way you want to feel.

·      Believe you deserve the life you want. If you don’t believe you deserve it, who else is going to believe you do as well. 

·      Find the joy in whatever it is you are doing and the more of you that you can bring to any task, any job and any relationship will help you feel more peace.

·      Work on your personal healing and learn to love and appreciate who YOU are.

Through this journey of spiritual awakening, you are finding out what you need to have your peace. As you continue to redefine that and make changes, the other changes will fall in place as well. When you heal, you respond differently to those around you and in turn everybody will respond to you differently as well. A spiritual awakening has the potential to change everything!

When people genuinely love you and care for YOU, there are no strings attached. They give you the space and place to do what’s right for YOU and allow you to decide what that is and if you no longer want to be with them because it’s best for you then they support you anyway. That’s how I always tried to treat people in my life in all areas. It goes a long way and if you can love yourself enough to keep yourself in a place where you are treated the same it takes a lot of the real stress out of the situation. 

This one won’t solve itself overnight. It’s going to be a bit of practice. Defining what you want in a written statement somewhere that you can reread or see often. Saying yes to everything that aligns with that and no to everything that doesn’t align with that. This can be in friendships, family, relationships, and work. Working on being seen and heard. Speaking your truth and knowing that you can ask for more from others instead of doing it all yourself or implied communication/expectations leading to miscommunications or more stress. Look for opportunities to practice in small ways to build confidence to handle the bigger situations. Spiritual awakenings present opportunities to be more honest with yourself and others.

It's important to know what you want long term and fully believe you deserve what you are asking for with work change requests. It's also helpful to believe that when you ask that your company would be open to this change/agreement before you ask. I know that's not always easy, but it will be easier if you are practicing this with smaller tasks. 

If you feel you have extra stress or you're burnt out, try to slow down your life and take extra good care of your energy. You can start with your environment. There must be at least one place in your house that you feel good to be in. Spend time there. If you feel better spending time alone, figure out a way to have more of that to recharge and get clear. Use your divine connection with earth elements (sun, water, grounding, fresh air) to help you feel better.  Be mindful of the level of your awareness to differentiate thought from drop in ideas (spirit downloads), or attention to receive guidance and your own intuitive messages. It’s all there, it’s intuitive guidance if it feels good when it comes in. It’s not a loop or worry or a fear-based thought. 

Meditations-Staying present or trying to slow down. Not allowing yourself to stay in the feeling of worry about the future or thinking too much about the past. If this is too hard, find an activity that you enjoy and use concentration/focus. 

I have a meditation playlist on Spotify that I like and use. The different ones have different purposes. They are guided so they are easier to do than just sitting in silence and trying to clear your head. This practice will allow you to separate what is your shit and what is not your shit.

This practice will give you a deeper way to connect to your highest self and receive the calm inner wisdom when you need it. Nobody can tell you what to do, but I do believe if it’s coming from YOU that you will be able to make changes and feel good about them faster than anything else.

Lastly, take really good care of yourself with at least 7-8 hours of sleep, eating nutrient dense foods, plenty of water and getting enough movement and sunlight first thing in the day. Our bodies' natural rhythms are super healing, and our nervous system is usually what is running the show. To remain spiritually awake takes nurturing.

It’s easier to make good clear decisions when we are calm, rested, and satiated. This concept is so simple, but it’s one I overlooked for most of my life. Once I made this a big priority, I was finally able to find myself in a much calmer state.

Try your best to be open to the possibility of seeing situations from a different perspective. To take the absolute statements where you feel constricted or stuck and leaving room for change and growth. 

If you were to entertain the belief system that everything that’s happening is helping you and say, what is this situation trying to teach me? and how can I look at it differently? It's a game changer and it speeds up the integration of the lesson and healing that you need. It’s where the greatest shifts start to happen. It’s where we let go of the fear, the control and give surrender to whatever it will be without attachment but open the possibility to have peace in whatever comes your way, and remain awake spiritually. 

You might be interested in two webinars I did. I have them in my course library. The first one is free: Understanding Energy and Empowerment for the Empath The second one: Introduction to Psychic Abilities

The point of these webinars is to help you understand yourself and how you are receiving information from others in this physical world and how to trust yourself through the intellectual piece of the process. I knew I was always really connected through life, but I never really understood how or why until the last decade. Implementing the cognitive piece just allows you to understand and trust yourself even more.

Work on believing that you deserve it all and you will have it ALL! 

Hope in a blue dress by a blue wall ready to teach those that want to know more about their spiritual awakening

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