Journey To Mediumship with Medium Debbie Squizzero

Hope weight training on her journey to mediumship

Mediumship takes time to develop. It's a beautiful craft because, as mediums, we all channel differently. Everyone's journey to mediumship is unique. My journey is unique as much as our guest’s journey today is too. But you have to be willing to put in the time, to trust, and to bring yourself to safe surrender. And sometimes, when you feel scared or doubtful about taking on this special gift, Spirit comes on full-force.

Debbie Squizzero is a Psychic Medium and her purpose is to connect people with their deceased loved ones as well as provide them with guidance, clarity or insight they’re seeking. She strives to deliver accurate, healing and loving information during each session to empower people who may be struggling with daily life issues or grief. By teaching them about death and their own energy and intuition, Debbie is able to leave her clients with a sense of ease, peace, closure, or healing.

Debbie’s journey to mediumship began when she started seeing and experiencing Spirit around the age of 6. She would notice white shadowy figures which she now knows as beautiful, deceased souls. She had also always experienced very vivid dreams of deceased loved ones, had an imaginary friend when she was young, and felt that someone was watching over her or someone was around her.

As she got older, people would come to her for advice, not realizing earlier on that the advice she was giving them was being channeled to her from a Higher Source. It wasn’t until other mediums told her that she has a gift to connect with Spirit that she decided to develop her skills as a medium so she can help other people.

Recognizing that a part of her life’s purpose was to serve Spirit, she was also aligning herself to who she is and she would become in the process – a person who continues to evolve and develop every single day.

If you want to hear more about her journey to mediumship or the following LISTEN to the full episode:

  • Her transition into full-time mediumship

  • Having safe surrender and trust that we/re going to be taken care of as mediums

  • How fitness and nutrition helped Debbie with her work in Spirit

  • The importance of rest so we can be at our best to channel for Spirit

  • How your health is connected to your intuitive self

  • Changing things by just taking baby steps

  • The benefits of being healthy in other aspects of life

  • How underlying traumas are still stored in our physical DNA

  • The beauty of having a daily gratitude practice

  • Realizing the power of your breath

A colorful salad helps fuel the journey to mediumship

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